Getting started in adventure racing can often seem to be a difficult task; however it may be easier than you think!
So you have never competed in an adventure race before? Its OK! Round up your best friends and embark on an adventure! We offer races that appeal to all experience and fitness levels. If your not sure where to start call or contact us, we offer free short adventure racing and navigation courses!
First and foremost volunteer! All races require volunteers to run, so not only are you helping out the race, you are also going to experience first-hand what an adventure race is like, and what it is all about. There are a number of good books out there on adventure racing, and doing some research and reading is definitely recommended, however there is nothing like being able to observe an event to prepare you for one. Not only do you have the opportunity to sit through the pre-race briefing and learn what the event is about, but you also get the opportunity or observe other teams to see how they prepare, what gear they use and when, what gear teams carry, what foods do teams survive on, how they communicate, and most importantly why some teams fail and others succeed. I have seen teams that appear to be at the peak of fitness fail, and while others that appear much less fit prevail and it is important to understand why.
Do some reading and research. There is a plethora of information available on the internet that can help you out. Many teams have their own websites where they write about their adventures and diligently chronicle their successes and failures. In addition there are a number of excellent books available, just go to Amazon and type in "adventure racing". Also, check out Mid-America Xtreme's chat with adventure racing legend Robert Nagle for some pointers.
Finally talk to people! Most race directors and teams are willing to share their experiences and provide pointers. You may also find it beneficial to join an adventure racing or orienteering club to learn and meet potential teammates.
More on Volunteering